Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of my fudge but there has been many happy fudge filled people. I tried out the recipe and went for a batch of Vanilla fudge and also Chocolate and Chili. Both tasted lovely but the Chocolate and chili did not have the kick I was hoping for. I may have to tinker with the spice to get the right effect.
My second try I thought I would be more adventurous and came up with my own flavours. Amaretto and cranberries fudge, and Baileys fudge. I think the Baileys was the outright winner. The recipe I used was from Craftzine and the guy who came up with it is a genius! It's hard to get it wrong with his recipe, you can find it here.
We even had a little bit of snow just before Christmas! Below are some shots of the walk to work as I couldn't get the car out of the drive.
I even made a friend on the way...
I have been a busy bee and am frantically trying to finish my sketchbook in time for The Sketchbook project in New York. Just some shots of the piece I'm working on for the cover of my sketchbook.
Here are some pictures of some doodles and sketches. Mainly playing around with watercolours on A3 sketchbook. Apologies for the bad quality but the sketchbook was too big for my scanner.
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